Dr. Manderscheid

infectious diseases

1. bacterial infections


Bacteria can infect all birds, however especially parrots seem to be more  sensible. Bacterial infections can be local or can spread all over the organs and lead to a septic disease with the typical clinic signs. Bacteria often act as oportunistic pathogens and profit from a weak immun system . The most frequent pathogens are: Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Ecoli, Providencia, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Salmonella, Pasteurella, Yersinia, Citrobacter, Aeromonas, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis.

The yearly check up should avoid these infections. Every single bird undergoes a bacterial culture. In the case of a positiv result the bird gets an individual treatment followed by a control exam.

The prophylaxie includes: a clean environment, clean food and water,  elimination of  other risk factors: other animals, touching birds with unwashed hands, elimination of rotten fruits and veg

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2. Tuberculosis


Mycobacteria contaminate the intestines , the liver,  the skin or rarely the respiratory system. The isolated MB should be classified  in order to prevent infections in humans




3. viral infections

Viral infections are common in pet birds and leed often to fatal disease outbreaks.  The complexity of the virus is respnsible for its control. Several steps have to be respected to get a virusfree aviary:

strict quarantine indications

new birds must be virustested

good hygiene

correct nutrition and stressfree environment

We offer the following screeningtests for viruses:

Circovirus, Polyomavirus, Herpesvirus, Bornavirus





Treatment:    difficult, depends on the virus

Vaccines can be used: standard vaccines in poultry, 2 vaccines in parrots, 3 vaccines in pigeons, 1 in canaries

For further questions about the vaccines please contact us



4. Chlamydia sp


Chlamydia outbreaks happen regularly. Hepatitis, conjunctivitis, infection of the respiration tracts are frequent findings. We use quick tests for a rapid diagnosis within 15 minutes in our praxis, specific PCr´s can be done for the direct antigen detection


www.dr-manderscheid.com //   info@dr-manderscheid.com // www.parrot-page.com // info@parrot-page.com

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